RSV Vaccination
From September 2024 patients aged 75-79 will be eligible for an RSV vaccination. We will routinely call people for vaccination as they turn 75 throughout the year. However we will be calling in everyone aged 75-79 from September, working down from age 79 to age 75. Please note that to ensure best immune response to this vaccine you should ideally not have another vaccine within 7 days.
Order Your Repeat Prescriptions on the NHS App
If you have the NHS App on your phone (or if you use Patient Access on your computer/tablet, then you can order your repeat prescriptions online without phoning the Practice. Why not give it a go?
Shingles Vaccination
There have been changes to the shingles vaccination programme. Unfortunately the communications around those changes is contradictory and confusing. A clarification page has now been posted on the Gov.UK website. Until they are rectified, the nationally produced leaflets and advertising say that all patients aged 65 are eligible for shingles vaccination but this is not accurate.
The situation is that patients who turn 65 on or after 1st September 2023 are eligible and we will be contacting patients to make an appointment after their birthday. If you turned 65 prior to 1st September 2023 then you will become eligible for vaccination from the age of 70. Over the next 5 years the programme will gradually bring in everyone aged 65-69 and also everyone already eligible aged 70-79.
Therefore please do not make an appointment for a vaccination unless we have contacted you as you may not be eligible, even if you are 65. We appreciate this may be frustrating but the vaccine is only available in limited quantities and we are not able to vaccinate outside of the national programme which works on date of birth and not current age in years.
To clarify, if your date of birth is 1st September 1958 to 31 August 1959 then you will become eligble for shingles vaccination when you turn 65. In addition anyone aged 70-79 is also eligible, this part of the programme is unchanged.
Updated 25/9/23
Saturday Hub
The Hadrian Extra Care Hub provides appointments every Saturday at Hexham Primary Care Centre. Appointments can be booked through our reception team or online by following this link:- NHS Bookings
Appointment types available to book include:
Practice Nurse
Asthma Review
GP Telephone Call
GP Face to Face
Cervical Smear Test
The GP or Nurse will have full access to your medical record.
GP Data for Planning and Research
The data held in the GP medical records of patients is used every day to support health and care planning and research in England, helping to find better treatments and improve patient outcomes for everyone. NHS Digital has developed a new way to collect this data, called the General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection. For more information please see the NHS Digital website.
If you wish to opt out of this data collection please complete the form on the NHS Digital Website which is found under the section headed "Stop your GP surgery from sharing your data". Please return the form to the surgery.
Note that data held elsewhere in the NHS will still be shared unless you also use the option listed on the NHS Digital Website headed "Stop NHS Digital and other health and care organisations from sharing your data for research and planning".